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"Gloves have no place in a serious training program. A glove is merely a piece of loose stuff between the hand and the bar, reducing grip security and increasing the effective diameter of the bar. Gloves make bars harder to hold on to. The gloves that incorporate wrist wraps prevent the wrists from getting used to training. The only legitimate use for a glove is to cover an injury, like a torn callus or a cut, when the workout is important enough to do with the injury and it cannot be done without the covering. A desire to prevent callus formation does not constitute a legitimate use. If your gym makes a lot of money selling gloves, you have another reason to look for a different gym. And if you insist on using them, make sure they match your purse."

Artikkelen har blitt lest 593 ganger

Rippetoe, Mark, and Lon Kilgore. » Starting Strength.» Wichita Falls, Tx (2005).


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